শনিবার, ১৬ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Dubai Business Women Council underlines role of technology in ...

A former Microsoft employee, Ulrika enlightened the audience about effectively using Microsoft PowerPoint to create visually attractive and attention-grabbing presentations, and about making the most of Microsoft Outlook to process and manage emails more effectively.

Ulrika set up Business Productivity LLC to reach out to business professionals around the world to help them increase their productivity using Microsoft technology. Prior to setting up the company, Ulrika was Customer and Partner Experience Lead and Enterprise Marketing Manager at Microsoft Gulf, whom she joined in 2007 as Solution Specialist. Her association with Microsoft started in 1997 when she joined Microsoft Sweden while pursuing her Master's in Electrical Engineering. After graduating, she held various positions at Microsoft Sweden - all focused on helping Microsoft's customers improve their business productivity. Ulrika has also completed the Executive MBA program from the London Business School.

Ulrika said, "We often underestimate the level of impact technology can have on our lives, and people are often amazed when they know how the true power of technology can ease everyday life. I am thankful to the Dubai Business Women Council for giving me this opportunity to share my experiences and knowledge with its members, who are all highly talented and inspiring women who continue to scale new heights as entrepreneurs in a highly competitive market. I look forward to supporting DBWC in future initiatives as well that will empower their members with more skill and knowledge that will enable them to realize their full potential."

Raja Al Gurg, President, Dubai Business Women Council, said: "The latest Network Majlis with Ulrika Hedlund proved highly informative and insightful to our members. Ulrika fully leveraged her vast experience with Microsoft and the core expertise of Business Productivity LLC to explain simple and practical ways to boost productivity at the workplace by optimally using technology. Her presentation enabled participants to better understand how to perform daily business tasks more effectively using Microsoft's productivity software, which can greatly help our women business leaders who are looking for tools to improve time management and achieve maximum productivity."

Source: http://www.ameinfo.com/dubai-business-women-council-underlines-role-333521

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